Cross Country Road Warrior

Character – Boomer the Dog
Boomer, the beloved canine of Tom Atkinson that appears in Act of Faith is in fact the real world counterpart to the office dog in Stephen Rubino’s law firm.
We found that as with Boomer’s predecessor Buddy, having a dog in the office was an indispensable part of client relations. Originally from Dublin Ireland, Boomer arrived in Boston as an AKC reject due to a heart murmur. Rubino paid his airfare over the pond and the rest is history. Client’s immediately warmed to him and in many cases were calmed as they relayed unspeakable acts to a variety of strangers.
The idea of having a dog in the office came from Carol Kwoka who suggested that the sterile environment of a law firm might not be conducive to getting accurate and complete information concerning abuse histories.
Boomer is a veteran of three cross country trips on Rt. 2 as Rubino completed the research for Act of Faith and the sequences involving Elizabeth and Tom’s road trip. Currently Boomer is retired and living a dogs life in Vermont.